Fancy writing for Jaguar Driver?

I am always delighted to hear from members with something interesting or informative to say. Jaguar Driver is your magazine and if you are busy restoring a car, just back from an amazing trip of a lifetime or have finally come up with an ingenious solution to a problem, why not share it?

Since the magazine was redesigned and its scope expanded, there is a place for everything – from your wedding photos (with car, of course!) to your achievements on the race track. Even if there isn’t enough for a fully-fledged feature, your Register correspondent will always be pleased to have new material.

The deadline for submitting copy is usually in the first week of the month preceding publication of the following issue and a notice is sent out in advance to all regular contributors. These deadlines can vary according to special circumstances such as Christmas and bank holidays, so if in doubt please check. For new submissions, please contact me at for the latest copy date.

If you would like to submit something, why not contact me first for a chat, either by email or telephone? I can send you some brief guidelines on how to submit your article for publication – just ask!

Jaguar Driver Editor

Example article in Jaguar Driver magazine

Editor Contact Details


Jaguar Driver Magazine aticle - Ask Andrew
Jaguar Driver Magazine article - S-Type
Jaguar Driver Magazine article - Events

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