
Parts & Discounts

Jaguar Drivers’ Club (JDC) members have access to a choice of specially tailored schemes from our three insurance partners designed to offer the best quotes in the market. We also offer exclusive discounts on parts, spares and services from many of the country’s leading Jaguar and motoring specialists. You can view their websites below or to see full details and register for specific discounts, members can log in

ClassicLine Insurance

ClassicLine Insurance

JDC members can benefit from exclusive and discounted insurance schemes at ClassicLine

Footman James Insurance

Footman James Insurance

JDC members can benefit from exclusive and discounted insurance schemes at Footman James

Adrian Flux Insurance

Adrian Flux Insurance

JDC members can benefit from exclusive and discounted insurance schemes at Adrian Flux

Lancaster Insurance

Lancaster Insurance

JDC members can benefit from exclusive and discounted insurance schemes at Lancaster Insurance

Club Motul

Club Motul

JDC members can join Club Motul for free and benefit from a significant discount on all products

Car Show Boards

Car Show Boards

JDC members can benefit from a significant discount on all car show boards, as seen on the JDC stand at the Lancaster Insurance Classic Motor Show.

SNG Barratt

SNG Barratt

Members get special JDC discounts on parts for classic and modern Jaguars and Daimlers

David Manners

David Manners

Members get a discount on parts for classic and modern Jaguars and Daimlers

Martin Robey

Martin Robey

Discount off most parts through the Martin Robey owners' privilege card scheme



Discount on production of membership card

Porter Press

Porter Press

Discount on certain publications

Autotune (Rishton) Ltd

Autotune (Rishton) Ltd

Sponsors of JDC 4-Hills and Sprint Championship and manufacturers of the Aristocat Jaguar replica

Are you a Jaguar specialist?

If you would like to join our list of approved suppliers, offering exceptional service to our members, please contact us.