
The XK Register

Catering for all variants of XK, from the 120 to the 150, in Roadster, Coupé or Drophead Coupé forms, this is the Register for every owner of one of these beautiful post-war sports cars.

JDC Registers / The XK Register

Formed in 1967, the Register not only supports owners with technical and concours advice, but aims to keep track of as many XKs as possible. It counts amongst its membership, some of the finest examples of 120, 140 and 150 to be found anywhere and the XK Register is at the centre of a worldwide network of owners who communicate regularly, share their rebuild and restoration experiences and help each other to source parts and information.

Today, the Register not only offers all the above but organises events and outings for its members to enjoy with their cars. In addition to its annual XK Day, where the contender for the JDC’s Champion of Champions concours is chosen, the Register has a significant presence at JDC National Day and organises weekend breaks and tours to encourage its members not only to drive their cars, but to socialise and make friends.

Keeping these magnificent sports cars on the road requires knowledge, expertise and enthusiasm – in fact, everything you will find as a member of the JDC’s XK Register.

The XK Register Chairman

Mick Duffy
Email: mickduffy47@hotmail.co.uk
Phone: 01525 873232

News Corespondant

Roger Learmonth
Email: rogerlearmonth@btinternet.com
Phone: 01825 744001

Technical Advisor

Bob Exelby
Email: bobexelby1@gmail.com

Concours Coordinator

Brian Ekin
Email: ekin@btconnect.com
Phone: 0161 3684312

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